NO CLASSES TODAY! Today is the CFWC Fundraiser! We are raising money to get your very own CFWC ladies (Jenny, Nikki, Kim, Emily) and their coach Ryan to Salt Lake City for the USA Weightlifting Nationals! It is an honor to have 4 women qualify from the same gym! *We are doing a non-sanctioned Olympic...Read More
Complete the following with a partner. 1 partner works at a time. 42 Deadlifts, 225lb/155lb 50 Planking Burpees (partner holds plank. Jump over partner) 30 deadlifts, 275lb/185lb 50 weighted push-ups, 45lb plate/ 25lb plate 18 deadlifts, 305lb / 205lb 50 HSPU (partner holds handstand) Sign up on Zen Planner to secure your spot to lift...Read More
Turkish Get Ups 5 sets of 1L/1R work up to your heaviest weight Descending Ladder 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Squat jump Strict Pull-ups Push – ups V – upsRead More
10 am- Olympic Lifting with Coach Ryan 11 am- Endurance WOD 12 Noon- Yoga Endurance WOD Run to park 25 Burpees .8 Mile Run 50 Push Ups .8 Mile Run 75 Air Squats Run back to gym Read More
Bench Press 3-3-3 Then Nicole 20 Min Amrap of 400 Meter run Max Effort Pullups Post Loads and rounds to comments: Every Car looks better with a FREE CFWC sticker. Get your FREE sticker at the front desk.Read More
DATE: Saturday June 28th TIME: 10am – 2pm A Fundraiser to help take Jenny, Nikki, Kim, Emily and their Coach Ryan to Salt Lake City for USA Weightlifting Nationals! Details: We will have 2 groups lifting next Saturday. To make sure everything runs smoothly and timely, there will be 15 available spots in each...Read More