Back Squat 2-2-2 @90-95% Then….. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Strict Pullup Deficit Handstand Push Up (kip or strict) on 45lb plates Cash Out: 400m Sprint Read More
15 min to find 1 RM Clean (squat) Tabata This Tabata Row (calories) Rest 1 minute Tabata double unders Rest 1 minute Tabata burpees Rest 1 minute Tabata squats Rest 1 minute Tabata Sit-up The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the...Read More
10 am-Open Gym only, no olympic lift class 11 am- Endurance AMRAP 30 Minutes in groups of 3 Person 1-400m Run with wall ball 20/14 Partner 2- Burpees over box 20/16 Partner 3- Row for calorie *Switch when runner comes back* Score equals number of calories plus box jumps Great job to all who...Read More
Hang Snatch: 3-3-3 Then… 3 Rounds: 50 Air Squats 7 Muscle ups 10 Hang Snatch (anyway), 135/95 Saturday October 18th Click HERE to make your own sign-up page & join our team Read More
Crossfit West Chester’s kids Program is designed to build your child’s physical, social, mental and emotional strength through constructive fitness training and instruction. The program is run and designed by Exercise Physiologists and certified CrossFit and USA Weightlifting certified trainers who have had years of study in Motor Learning and Development. Our program seeks to...Read More
Hang Clean 3-3-3 Then: 5 Rounds of 6 Hang Squat Cleans (155#/110#) 12 Toes to Rings 200 Meter Run 7:30PM No Olympic lifting class / Open Gym or Open Strength with Wing Post Loads and Times to Comments and Zen: Happy Birthday FooseRead More