Establish 5 RM bench Then 2 drop down sets at 90% EMOM for as long as possible: Thrusters (75/55) Pullups Burpees Choose 3 reps each for beginners 5 reps each for intermediate 7 reps for elite If you fall off pace in the first 10 minutes, drop a rep each movement and continue. Kim and...Read More
10am: Olympic Lifting 11am: Endurance “Park Burner” Run To Park 25 Burpees 1 lap 50 Situps 1 lap 75 Squats Run back to box long way Thanks to Everyone who made Barbells For Boobs a Success!Read More
Reminder: We will not be having our 8 am or 9 am WODs due to Barbells for Boobs 9:00 am- Doors Open and Registration begins 9:50am: Movement Standards 10:00am: National Anthem (featuring member Amanda Hernandez) 10:15am: Heat 1 10:30am: Heat 2 10:45am: Heat 3 11am: Heat 4 11:15am: Heavy Grace Showdown (Marco vs Kim) 11:30am:...Read More
EMOM 5 minutes 3 Hang Snatches, AHAP: Then… “Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” 16 Min Partner AMRAP Relay 4 Hang Snatches, 135/93 8 Toes 2 Bar 12 Box Jumps, 24″/20″ *Partners must switch EMOM and pick up where partner left off SATURDAY OCT 18TH ALL LEVELS WECOME! Scaled weights will be available! Great prizes! Food, Drinks,...Read More
Front Squat + Jerk Complex 5 x 2 FrontSquat x 1 Jerk. Then: 5 Rounds of: 15 Deadlift 12 Hang power clean 9 Front Squat 6 Jerks (135#/95#) (18 min time cap) Post Results to comments and Zen:Read More
8 Minute Skill EMOM – Switch Movements every minute 50′ Handstand walk 6 Weighted Pistols Then.. 7 Rounds: 5 Power Cleans, 185/133 3 Muscle up *Cash Out: 400m Run THIS SATURDAY Read More
Back Squat 3-3-3 @85-90% Then… 3 Rounds 20 Wall Balls 20/14 15 Burpees Then… 3 Rounds 50 Double Unders 30 Sit Ups Score is total time for both metcons Happy birthday to Kai and Kyrsten!Read More
Week 4 Bench press: find 5 rep max Then… 2×5 @ 90% 16 Min AMRAP, switch movements EMOM KB snatches , alternating arms 70/53 Cal Row Happy birthday to Amy Gaga and Matt Giunta!Read More
10 am- Olympic Lifting with Coach Ryan 11 am- Endurance WOD with Coach Brian 1200m Run 100 Double Unders 21 Front Squats 115/75 21 Toes to Bar 800m Run 75 Double Unders 15 Front Squats 15 Toes to Bar 400m Run 50 Double Unders 9 Front Squats 9 Toes to Bar Endurance class with this...Read More