15 Minutes to a heavy Clean Then…. 30 Ring Muscle Ups for Time Scale: 60 pullups and 60 dips broken up any way *Ever 2 Minutes on the minute: 3 Front Squats 205/153 (2:00 4:00 6:00, etc) Marco and Ron at Rally in the Valley Read More
OHS Test week 1×3 10 sec pause light 1×3 5 sec pause moderate Find a new 1 rep max OHS! Then: For time 21-15-9 Push Press 95/63 Med ball sit-up 20/14 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/63Read More
CrossFit West Chester is hosting the 1st Annual New Year Novice Partner Throwdown (same gender). This is a fun competition designed for CrossFitters who typically scale workouts at their gym and are looking for more experience in a competition setting. There will be 20 F/F and 20 M/M teams with 3 workouts and a...Read More
Strict Press: 5-5-5 Then… 8 Minute Ladder: 3-6-9-12-15… Front Squats, 135/93: Ring Push-ups Kb Swing: 70/53 Nick Doak getting his swole and flexy onRead More
7 min EMOM Snatch (anyway)+ Hang Snatch (anyway) + OHS Then…. “WWPF” AMRAP 16 Minutes 10 Alt Power Snatch, 135/93 100m Sprint 20 Synchronized Burpees over bar 100m Sprint 30 Toes Through rings, Mix Anyway Vinnie gives WWPF 2 thumbs up Read More