The Bear Complex 5 Rounds for Load Complete 7 unbroken sets of: 1 Power Clean 1 Front Squat 1 S2OH 1 Back Squat 1 S2OH *Rest 3-5 minutes between RoundsRead More
Yoga with Brantlee has moved to 4:30pm 9am- Weightlifting Technique 10:15 am- Endurance WOD Endurance: In 35 Minutes, get through as many as you can (or want to) in any order: Run 2 Miles or Row 4000m or Ski 3200m 200 Double Unders 100 Med Ball Cleans 20/14 150 Sit Ups 50 Strict Pullups 25...Read More
New Year Deja Vu Get as far as possible in 3 minutes, 6 minutes, 9 minutes, and then Finish 21 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 21 Cal Row or Ski 21 Power Snatch, 115/83 21 C2B Pull-ups 21 OHS, 115/83 21 BMURead More
9am: Oly 10:15am: Enduro AMRAP 16 MIN – “Deep Freeze” 100m Farmers Carry, 70’s/53’s 100m Run 200m Farmers Carry 200m Run 300m Famers Carry 300m Run *Continue this pattern until time runs out 16 MIN CAP – “Box Jump Annie” 50 Box Jumps 50 Russian Twists 40 Box Jumps 40 Toes 2 Rings 30 Box...Read More
Post Christmas Burn 15 Minutes to a Heavy Push Press (Clean weight from floor) Then…. AMRAP 10 Minutes 5 Pullups 10 Burpees 15 Air Squats AMRAP 10 Minutes 5 Push Press 115/83 10 Weighted Pushups 15 Back Squats 115/83Read More