Back Squat (wk 4): 3RM 3 x 3 @ 90% Then… 21-15-9 Power Clean, 135/93 Box Jump, 24/20 Plyo Push-up
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8am- Virtual Yoga with Brantlee 9am- Weightlifting Technique with Amie 10:15am- Endurance with Amie Endurance WOD: In Any Order: 12 Minute Run or Row 12 Minute AMRAP 10 SA KB Floor Press per Arm 15 KB Taters 20 SA KB Push Press (10/arm) 12 Minute AMRAP 20 Plate Ground to OH 45/25 20 Burpees onto...
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Strict Press or Floor Press 1 RM Then…… Every 5 Minutes for 4 Rounds 20 Wall Balls 15 Devil Press (2 DB) 50s/35s 15/10 Cal Assault Bike
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CrossFit Bodybuilding– 12 min cap 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 RDL’s, 155/103 Strict Pull-up DB Skull Crushers Cardio Junkie – AMRAP 12 Min 1 min Max Cal Bike 1 min Max Burpees 1 Min Max Jumping Pull-ups Mid-Line Mania– AMRAP 12 Min :15 L-Sit 10 Straight Arm Russian Twists, 15/10 5 Barbell Roll outs
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Work up heavy 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk Then……. 4 Rounds for Time 8 Squat Clean and Jerk 165/113 12 HSPU
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Bulgarian Split Squats: 4 x 4 (heavy) Single Arm Press: Build to heavy 4 per arm Then… 15 Min AMRAP Cash In: 50/40 cal row or ski 10 DU 3 Toes 2 Bar 20 DU 6 Toes 2 Bar 30 DU 9 Toes 2 Bar 40 DU 12 Toes 2 Bar 50 DU 15 Toes...
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Snatch 1-1-1 Then…… Not Nate AMRAP 16 Minutes 2 Strict Ring Muscle Up (4 Pull + 4 Push) 4 Snatch (Squat) 155/103 8 KB Snatch 70/53
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Back Squat: 3 RM 3 x 3@ 85% THEN… 17.5 10 Rounds (15 MIN CAP) 9 Thrusters, 95/63 35 Double Unders
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8am- Virtual Yoga with Brantlee 9am- Weightlifting Technique with Amie 10:15am- Endurance with Amie Endurance WOD: Worse Cindy AMRAP 35 Minutes 5 Weighted Medball Pullups 20/14 10 Weighted Pushups 45/25 15 Back Squats 45/33 200m Plate OH Carry 45/25 400m Run
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Deadlift: 5-5-5 (80-85%) Then… DT 5 Rounds 12 Deadlifts, 155/103 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 S2OH
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