CFWC Members, a transformer has blown next to the gym. We, and the medical center have no power, which means no lights, music or downstairs toilets. Peco worked overnight, but could not fix the problem yet. As of now we are canceling our 8 and 9:15am classes. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will...Read More
15 Minutes to a Heavy Power Clean Then…… The Chief 5 Rounds of 3 Minute AMRAPS 3 Power Cleans 135/93 6 Pushups 9 Air Squats *1 Minute rest between rounds*Read More
EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Clean + 2 Jerk Dips with Pause + 1 Jerk Then…… David Bartholomew Miersch Birthday WOD-For Time (in any order) 34 Cal Ski 34 Hang Clean and Jerk 115/83 34 Cal Bike 34 Burpees Over Bar 34 HSPURead More
Front Squat – WK 1 1 x 8 @ 70% 1 x 6 @ 75% 1 x 4 @ 80% 1 x max reps (15-20) @ 60% 12 MIN AMRAP 20 SA DB Cleans, 50/35 10 Toes 2 Bar 5 Burpee Pull-upsRead More