EMOM 12 MIN 25 Double Unders + 1 Snatch E0MOM 12 MIN Even: 4 Ring Muscle-ups Odd: 12 Alt Db Snatches, heavy AMRAP 12 MIN 15 OHS , 95/63 (modify with front or back) 400m Run
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Front Squat: WK 2 Work up to heavy single 90-95% Then, 2 x 5 @85% Then….. AMRAP 12 Minutes 15 Burpees 20 Wall Balls 25 Sit Ups
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AMRAP 12 Minutes Sprint 200m/Jog 100m AMRAP 12 Minutes 10 Perfect Pushups 20 KB Taters 53/35 40 Double Unders AMRAP 12 Minutes 10 Single Arm KB Thrusters 53/35 20 Alt Single Arm Russian Swings 50m OH Carry, RT 50m OH Carry, LT
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Bench Press 1-1-1 Then……. RAMA WOD-Happy birthday to Rama!!!! 4 Rounds 50m Sled Push (Heavy) 20 Toes Through Rings 10 HSPU
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WWPF Running Clock 0:00 – 12:00 – Relay Style 9 DB Deadlits, 50s/35s 7 DB Hang Cleans, 50s/35’s 5 DB S2OH, 50s/35s 14:00 – 26:00 (12 min AMRAP) 30 Synchronized Pistols 20 G2OH, 165/123 (mix anyway) 10 Alt Rope Climbs 28:00 – 36:00 (8 min AMRAP) Accumulate as many sandbag lunges as possible, 100/75 *1...
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10 Min EMOM Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS Then…. For Time 100 Double Unders 21 OHS (modify with front or back), 95/63 12 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups 100 Double Unders 15 OHS 12 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups 100 Double Unders 9 OHS 12 C2B Pull-ups
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Strict Press 5-5-5 Then….. 4 Rounds of 3 Minute AMRAPs , alternate versions every round Rounds 1 and 3 16 Alt Devil Press 50/35 Max Cal Bike (must pedal in standing position) And…… Rounds 2 and 4 20/15 Cal Seated Bike Max Alternating Devil Press *each round is to be a sprint. 2 Minute rest...
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EMOM 10 MIN Clean Pull + Clean + Hang Clean Then… 3 Rounds 400m Run 21 Box Jumps, 24/20 15 Toes 2 Rings 9 Power Cleans, 155/103
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Front Squat: WK 1 Work up to heavy single 90-95% Then, 2 x 5 @80% THEN… 10 MIn AMRAP 10 Thrusters, 95/63 10 Ring Dips
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9am OLY 10:15am ENDURO 11:15 IN PERSON YOGA 17 min AMRAP – OUTDOORS 100m SA OH Carry OR Farmers Carry 20 SDHP 300m Run 17 min AMRAP – INDOORS 25 Wall Ball Shots 25 Box Jump Overs 25 Cal Ski
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