EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Snatch Then….. In Any Order: 1000m Run 75 Lateral Box Jumps 24/20 50/35 Cal Bike 25 HSPU 15 Hang Snatch 135/93 *E4MOM 15 Burpees* (WOD starts with burpees, exclude burpees if out for the run)
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Bench Press: 6-6-6 Single Leg RDL: 10-10-10 THEN… 18 Min AMRAP 21 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 15 KB Swings, 53/35 9 Toes 2 Bar *E3MOM Run 200m (0:00-3:00-6:00-9:00-12:00-15:00)
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1 Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk-Heavy Then…. Heavy Grace 30 Clean and Jerks for Time 185/133 *E2MOM 30 Double Unders* Or…… Grace 30 Clean and Jerks for Time 135/93 *E2MOM 50 Double Unders*
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Split Squat: 4 x 6 THEN… Complete reps 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Power Snatch, 95/63 OHS, 95/63 *EMOM 5 Pull-ups
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The Best CrossFit In West Chester
Oly Build to heavy snatch Jerk: 75-85% / 2 x 4 Endurance For Time 3 Rounds 75 DU 40 Situps 15 KB taters Run or Row 800m 2 Rounds 30 Jumping Lunges 15 Burpee Pull-ups Run or Row 800m 1 Round 50 Thrusters, 45/33 Run or Row 800m
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0:00-15:00 Build to a Heavy Back Squat 15:00-21:00 Every 2:00 for 6:00 (3 Rounds) Row 15/12 Max Back Squats in Remaining Time (use 40-50% of above) 22:00-32:00 Build to a Heavy Strict Press 32:00-38:00 Every 2:00 for 6:00 (3 Rounds) 10 Burpees over Bar Max Strict Press in Remaining Time (use 40-50% of above)
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WWPF 300m Sprint Relay 100 Toes 2 Rings (mix anyway) 100m Sled Push Relay 300m Sprint Relay 16 Rope Climbs 100m Sled Push Relay 300m Sprint Relay 100 DB Hang Clean and Jerk, 50s/35’s 100m Sled Push Relay
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EMOM 10 Minutes 2 Clean Pulls+ 1 Clean Then….. JQ- Happy birthday to Jess Quittner!! 21-15-9 Deadlift 155/103 Hang Clean 155/103 C2B Pullups
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Bench Press: 6-6-6 (increase weight) RDL: 10-10-10 (Match or increase weight from week 1) THEN… FOR TIME 60 OH Lunges, 50/35 40 Box Jumps, 24/20 20 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/93 10 Strict HSPU 20 Shoulder 2 OH 40 Box Jumps 60 OH Lunges
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EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Snatch Pull with Pause at the Top + 1 Snatch Then….. Switch stations every 2 minutes for 18 minutes. Accumulate as many reps as you can of the following: Muscle Ups (ring or bar) Wall Balls Power Snatch 155/103
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