7 Min EMOM Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS, Heavy Then… 3 Rounds: 21 Burpees (Both hands must hit a target above highest reach) 15 Toes to Bar 9 OHS, 135/95 1. CROSSFIT OPEN! Sign up for the CrossFit Open HERE. We encourage everyone to participate in this fun yearly event. Even if you don’t plan on going to the CrossFit Games, you can still help our team qualify for regionals. Last day to sign up is this Sunday Evening! 2.YOGA! CFWC will officially start Yoga this Sunday morning at 9am. This new class is free for unlimited members and $12 drop in for all other memberships. Mats will NOT be provided so make sure you bring one! 3. FIGHT FOR FOOD! CFWC will be hosting it’s first competition on Sat April 13th from 9am-4pm. There are 50 spots available for men & 50 Spots available for women. There...
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