Front Squat 5-5-5 3 second pause on reps 1 and 5 Then…. Tabata 8 Rounds of each movement, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest Prowler Push 135/95 Air Squat Push Press 95/65 Push Up Row for calories (Coaches-up to 4 people on each movement at a time) Crossfitters, make sure you sign up for class! There will be a strict 20 person cap at each class for today. Rachael S at Barbells for Boobs
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Perform Ten 5 position Cleans. Try and increase each time, start with 70% 1RM Clean. 5 position Clean: 1st pos pull to knee, pause 2nd pos mid thigh, pause (hips should be back shoulders should cover the bar) 3rd pos perform clean, pause where you catch the bar 4th pos from where you catch the bar Squat and pause 5th pos pause just above parallel from squat Then: The One Armed Man 15, 12, 9 reps of: Thrusters (right arm) Thrusters (left arm) Ring row – One Arm (right) Ring row – One arm (left) 1.5 pood for men/ 1 pood for women Ring Height to be scaled to ability Post total time. Foose 11:37 RX January 2011
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10 minutes of Tabata sprinting  for laps Then… For Time: 9 Bar MU 50 Split Jumps (ALT) 30 Wall Balls, 20/14 7 Bar MU 40 Split Jumps 20 Wall Balls 5 Bar MU 30 Split Jumps 10 Wall Balls The next In-House CrossFit Total will be Saturday Jan 26th. Warm-up time is from 9-10am. First lift at 10am. There will be no regular classes on this day. We encourage everyone to participate!
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For time: 15 Handstand Push Ups 1 Pull Up 13 Handstand Push Ups 3 Pull Ups 11 Handstand Push Ups 5 Pull Ups 9 Handstand Push Ups 7 Pull Ups 7 Handstand Push Ups 9 Pull Ups 5 Handstand Push Ups 11 Pull Ups 3 Handstand Push Ups 13 Pull Ups 1 Handstand Push Up 15 Pull Ups
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With a partner, find a 1 Rep Max Back Squat (15 min cap) *Total up weight for a final score. Partners will work off of the same squat rack. Then… Partner AMRAP in 20 Minutes 50 DU 40 Squats 30 Situps 20 HR Pushups 10 Pullups *One partner will start on DU & one will start on Pull-ups. Partners will work in opposite directions until the movements are completed by both partners. At that time, Round 2 begins and both partners will work up and down the ladder again. Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Corie power cleaning a new PR    
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