7 Min EMOM: Hang Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS Then… 3 Rounds: 400m Run 7 Wall Climbs 10 OHS, 135/95 CFWC Cheerleaders Coming Soon!        
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EMOM 7 Minutes Hang Power Clean Hang Squat Clean 3 sec pause at bottom Front Squat 3 sec pause at bottom Then… Nasty Girls 3 Rounds 50 Air Squats 7 Ring Muscle Ups 10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95   Happy birthday, Yeager Bomb!!  
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Establish a 1RM One Arm Snatch – you can use a dumbbell, kettlebell or barbell Then do three sets of 3 each arm at 70% of your 1RM   5 Rounds for time: 10 one arm ring rows Alt Lt/Rt 10 One arm push-ups Alt Lt/Rt – if you can’t perform off floor use appropriate box height 10 Pistols Alt Lt/Rt
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9am- Yoga  No lifting or working out during this class 10am- Olympic Lift class 11am- Endurance WOD Crossfit Triathlon Run 2 Miles Row 2k 300 Double Unders or 500 Singles
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10 am- WOD 12 noon-til it ends- Pig Roast and Party 10am WOD: In Groups of 4: with a pet rock 400m Run 100 Hand stand push ups (sub with 120 pushups) 120 pullups 400 Run 160 KB Swings 70/53 200 burpees 400m Run   CFWC 1.0- our very first space back in 2009  
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