Pre-Order WCBC shirts.    #TobertMethods SHIRT #MaguireMade SHIRT
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Bench Press: 2 RM 2 x 2 @ 90-95%   Then…   Complete 3 Rounds of  each exercise for :40 of MAX work followed by :20 of REST (Complete all 3 rounds before moving to the next).  SDHP, 70/53 Ab Mat Sit-ups Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 10m Shuttle Run (10m = 1 rep) *Post total Reps     If you missed it last week…….It’s back this Sunday!  Yoga with Brantlee Sunday at 11:15am
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15 Minutes to a Heavy Clean Then….. 3 Rounds 5 Ring Muscle Ups 10 Cleans 185/123 50 Double Unders This Saturday is Bring a Friend Free Day! We will have regular class at 8am, bring a friend for adults at 9am and bring a friend for kids/youth at 10am.  Please have your friends pre register at crossfitwc.com.  Click ‘member login’, then scroll down to ‘try a free class’ and fill out our waiver.  
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TWOW: 10x 100m sprint forward, 100m jog backward Really focus on hamstrings on backward jog.  Sprint at 9 RPE jog at 5 RPE Skill WOW 10 Minutes HS Practice, walk, static, obstacle, against wall, up to your skill level 3x45sec Hollow Body Handstand hold against wall, absolutely no arch, chin to chest 5x Peg Board climb, rest as needed in between.  Peg board tips: Try to use false grip instead of neutral grip. Stay close to the wall, keep arms bent.  Keep chin above pegs.  Keep knees bent and push balls of feet into wall.  Shoes with good tread will be best. EMOM 5 Minutes of 5 Strict C2B Pullup AND 5 Strict Ring Dips (do both each minute) EMOM 5 Minutes 4/3 Ring Muscle Ups No Muscle ups yet? Ring Work: 3×5 false grip strict ring pullups to chest, 3×10 ring dips with 2 second pause at bottom, 3×10...
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2 rep max Back Squat then 2 x 2 at 90-95% 20-15-10-5 KB Swings 70/53 Burpee Toes to Bar
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