125 Cyclist Squats, 53/35 (Mix Anyway) 10 Alt Rope Climbs 100/85 Cal Bike (Mix Anyway) 8 Alt Rope Climbs 75 ALT Med Ball Situps (20/14 -toss over box) 6 Alt Rope Climbs 50 ALT Box Jumps, 30/24″ 4 Alt Rope Climbs 25 Strict HSPU (partner holds HS) 2 Alt Rope ClimbsRead More
15 Minutes to a Heavy Snatch Then….. 400m Run or 20/15 Cal Bike or Ski 50 DB Snatch 50/35 400m Run or 20/15 Cal Bike or Ski 40 DB OHS 50/35 400m Run or 20/15 Cal Bike or Ski 30 DB Snatch (Squat) 50/35Read More
Olympic Lifting Power Clean w/pause in catch + Front Squat 3 x 2 @ 70-80% 3 x 1 @ 80%+ Snatch balance (Wk 2) 4 Sets of 4 (pause on every rep) *increase wt from last week Endurance 16 Min AMRAP 20 SDHP 15 Goblet Squats 10 Shoulder 2 OH (5/arm) *Run 400m @ 0:00,...Read More
Strict Press: 5-3-1 Then… Five 2-Minute Rounds of: 20 DB box step-ups, 50s/35’s )(20″/16″) Max Reps DB Push Press *Rest 2 Minutes Between RoundsRead More
RDL 8-8-8 Weighted Ring Dip 5-5-5 Then…….. 30 Ring Muscle Ups for Time or 50 Pull and 50 Push for Time *200m Run E3MOM, including at the start*Read More