Olympic Lifting –Clean & Jerk : 5 Singles *start @ 75% and add 5% (if you miss, you must finish remaining singles @ previous % you made –Pick Your Accessory A.) Pause OHS 3-3-3. B.)Pause Snatch Pull 80% or more 3–3-3 Endurance – Happy 40th Birthday Brian ! 40 min AMRAP 400m Run 40 Pull-ups...Read More
Choose a Hero Workout Manion-A local Hero *Can, and probably should be done as partner wod or half reps on squats* Seven rounds for time of:Run 400 meters29 Back Squats 135/93 First Lt. Travis Manion, 26, of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California,...Read More
EMOM 10 Minutes 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Snatch Then….. Ann Babb 55th Bday Extravaganza- For Time, in any order: 55 Deadlifts 185/133 55 Cal Ski 55 Burpees 55 DB Hang Power Cleans 2 DBs-Moderately heavy *5 Wall Climbs after you complete each movement*Read More
Bench Press: Build to a heavy single Strict Weighted Pull-up: Build to heavy single Then…. 18 Min AMRAP 15 Box Jumps, 24/20 15 Push Press, 95/63 Rope Climb Ladder: 1-2-3-4-5-6……Read More
Back Squat: 4 x 2 @ 90% Then… Barbell Walk Outs: 3 x 50′ @ 110-130% Then ….. 2022 Quarterfinals Workout 1 3 Rounds (10 min cap) 20 Toes 2 Bar 20 Alt DB Snatches, heavy (70/53)Read More
Olympic Lifting Snatch: 1-1-1 –EMOM 10 MIN Clean & Jerk: start around 60% and add weight throughout Endurance: THE HUTCH 400m Run 63 Wall Balls, 20/14 800m Run 55 KB Swings 70/53 1200m Run 30 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 1600m RunRead More