Endurance WOD Complete the following for time: 1600 Meter Run 150 Double Unders 1200 Meter Run 75 Pushups 800 Meter Run 50 Pullups 400 Meter Run Post Loads and Times to Zen and Comments. Read More
CFWC is Hosting the West Chester Classic Olympic Lifting Meet This weekend. Class will be Held OUTSIDE on the back patio for the 8am and 9am classes. There will be No Open Gym at 10am. Complete the Following for time 5 Rounds of: 400 Meter Run 21 Med Ball Cleans...Read More
MEMORIAL DAY MURPH FOR TIME: 1 MIL E RUN 100 PULLUPS 200 PUSHUPS 300 AIR SQUATS 1 MILE RUN Murphy was the leader of a four-man SEAL reconnaissance unit that secretly infiltrated into the Hindu-Kush mountains on June 27, 2005. Ambushed on the 28th June, 2005 by...Read More
10 am- Olympic Lifting with Coach Ryan 11 am- Endurance with The Best Endurance Coach Ever, Coach Brian Lift 20,000lbs, choose your weight, complete reps 95lbs=53 Reps each, 135=38 Reps, 165=31 Reps, 185=28 Reps, 205=25 Reps 1 Deadlift 1 Power Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Shoulder to OH *Run 400m Every 5 minutesRead More
Runny Amanda 600m Run 9 Ring Muscle Ups 9 Snatches (full depth) 135/93 400m Run 7 Ring Muscle Ups 7 Snatches 200m Run 5 Ring Muscle Ups 5 Snatches Amanda Miller http://games2010.crossfit.com/blog/2010/07/amanda-miller,712/Read More