10 Minutes To Complete: 100 Floor Press (135/93) *Every time You Break = 5 Bar Facing Burpees* 10 Minutes to Complete: 100 DB Box Step Ups (2 DBS) (50/35s) (20inch) *Every Time You Break = 7 Box Jumps* 10 Minute AMRAP: Max Front Plank *Every Time You Break = 10 Sit Ups*Read More
13 Heroes-CFWC Version AMRAP 32 Minutes 13 Strict Handstand Push Ups 13 KB SDHP 70/53 13 Chest to Bar Pullups 13 KB Swings 70/53 13 Burpees 13 KB Snatch 70/53 1300m Run or Row The fallen include: Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31, of Salt Lake City, Utah Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosariopichardo,...Read More
EMOM 10 Minutes Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 Then……. 5 Rounds 10 Hang Power Cleans 135/93 12/8 Cal Bike/Row 30 Double Unders *Rest 2 Minutes after each round. Score is fastest time on any round*Read More
Oly: 9:00am 3 Position Snatch (floor/below knee/above knee x 4 sets) OHS WK 5: 4 x 3 reps (pause on all reps) Jen G’s Birthday Enduro: 10:15am 18 Min AMRAP – Inside 44 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 44 Toes 2 Rings *EMOM 8 Burpees @ top of even minutes (0:00-2:00-4:00-6:00-8:00-10:00-12:00-14:00-16:00) 18 Min AMRAP – Outside...Read More