
EMOM 7 Minutes 1 Hang Clean 1 Clean 1 Jerk Then…. AMRAP 16 Minutes 5 Ring Muscle Ups 10 Clean and Jerks 165/113 15 KB Deadlifts 70s/53s 300m Run   It’s hot out.  Stay hydrated and dress appropriately
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TWOW: 20 Minute run, Fartlek style.  Alternating between 2 minutes fast at RPE 8 and 1 minute slow at RPE 5 Skill WOD: -10 Minutes HS Practice, walk, static, obstacle, against wall, up to your skill level -3 x 45sec Hollow Body Handstand hold against wall, absolutely no arch, chin to chest -EMOM 5 Minutes...
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Week 6 Tempo Back Squat: 3 Sets of 2,4,6 reps 2 reps, strip some weight, 4 reps, strip some weight, 6 reps = 12 reps per set; rest 2 mins between sets 2 Seconds down 1 Second Pause Fast on the way up Then….. 21-15-9 DB Power Cleans 50s/35s HSPU This is the last week...
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9 am- Olympic Lift Technique with TJ 10 am- Endurance with Brian 11:15 am- Yoga with Brantlee Endurance: 5 Rounds 100m Farmer Carry 70’s/53’s 600m Run 20 Wall Balls
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Bench Press 1-1-1 Then….. Schmitt: 31 Calorie Row 31 Dumbbell Curls 50/35 31 Situps 31 DB Floor Press 31 Walking Lunges 31 Dumbbell Deadlifts 31 Pushups 31 Dumbbell Goblet Squats 31 Double Unders *4 Burpees every minute, except during the row* This memorial WOD is named for Amanda (Schmitt) Grazioli who was killed by her...
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WBPF Partner Triathlon: In Any Order, Partners Alternate Movements, switch when partner is done cardio piece. AMRAP 12 Minutes: Switch when P1 finishes run P1: 400m Run P2: ME Rope Climbs 18′ until partner finishes 400m, then switch AMRAP 12 Minutes: Switch when P1 finishes 500m Row P1: 500m Row P2: Amrap 10 DB Snatch 50/35...
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Power Snatch 3-3-3   Then   15 Min AMRAP   10 Cal on Bike ( Row if and only if Bikes are all taken) 7 Burpee 4 Power Snatch 135/93   Post Loads and Times to ZEN and Comments:    
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Deadlift: 5 sets x 1 rep @ 85%  DO NOT MAX OUT ! Weighted Dips: 5 sets x 5 (increase weight from last week)   Then…   For Time: 400m Run 10 Kb Swings, 70/53 30 Pull-ups   300m Run 20 KB Swings,70/53 20 C2B Pull-ups   200m Run 30 Kb Swings,70/53 10 BMU  ...
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TWOW: 8 rounds, alternating each round for 4 rounds of each: Rest 1 minute between each 200m Run, all out sprint 25/20 cal Assault Bike, all out sprint Skill WOD: -10 Minutes HS Practice, walk, static, obstacle, against wall, up to your skill level -3 x 45 sec Hollow Body Handstand hold against wall, absolutely...
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Clean 1-1-1 Then…. 21-15-9 Clean (Squat) 155/103 Burpee Over Bar Cash Out: 500m Row Sprint or 30/25 Cal bike Sprint Princes Leia Maguire-Landis    
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