
15 Minutes to a Heavy Snatch Then…… Burpee Amanda 9-7-5 Burpee Muscle Ups (Scale to 21-15-9 Burpee Pullups) Hang Snatch (squat) 115/83 Virtual WOD: 6am, 12 Noon, 6pm a. Front Raise to Lateral Raise 3×15-20 per arm b. Turkish Sit Up to Toes to Bell 3×15 Then…….. 3 Rounds 1 Minute Wood Choppers, Rt 1...
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AMRAP 30 Minutes 20 Barbell Roll Outs 30 Burpees Over Bar 40 DB Push Press (20/arm) 50 DB Split Squats (25 right, then 25 left) *Must run 1 mile or Row 2000m at some point*
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1a. Single Leg RDL: 3×8-12 *modify w/Split stance 1b. Dips: 3×8-12 *modify w/feet supported   Then…   For Time:   400m run 15 Ring Dips (modify w/close grip pushups) 21 Deadlifts, 225/153   400m run 15 ring dips 15 deadlifts   400m run 15 ring dips 9 deadlifts Having Aches or pains? Ask to have...
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15 Minutes to a Heavy Clean Then…… Deconstructed Jackie AMRAP 18 Minutes 500m Row 25 Thrusters 45/33 15 Pullups   Virtual WOD: 6am, 12 Noon, 6pm a. Straight Leg Deadlift 3×20 b. Floor Press 3×15-20 per arm Then…… Virtual Down and Up Jackie 100 Mountain Climbers 50 DB Thrusters 30 Renegade Rows per Arm 50...
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Deconstructed Dumbbell Jackie: 7 Rounds 250m Row 20 Alt DB Thrusters-Light weight 15 Ring Rows
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Pause Back Squat: 3-3-3 (2 sec pause) *Start with 90% of last cycles 3×5 weight   Then…     AMRAP 15 min 9-7-5 Power Clean, 135/83 HSPU *200m run after the completion of 9-7-5 rep scheme   virtual (6am/4pm) Bulgarian Split Squat: 3 x 15/leg Handstand Hold: 3 x 1:00   Then….   10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DB...
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9am Oly w/TJ 10:15am Endurance   Complete in ANY Order 300 Double Unders 150 Lunges 75/50 Cal Bike or Ski 50 SA Devils press, 50/35 25 Ring or Bar MU (modify with 50 Pull-ups & Push-ups)
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7:30 am and 9 am  In Any Order: AMRAP 13 Minutes 250m Row 15 Burpees Over Rower Then…. AMRAP 13 Minutes 15 Double KB Russian Swing 53s/35s 10 Double KB Push Press 5 Double KB Front Squats 100m Farmer Carry Virtual WOD: 9am 100 Bicep Curls to Arnold Press Then….. AMRAP 13 minutes 15 KB...
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EMOM 10 Min 10 wall Ball Shots, 20/14 3 Med Ball Pull-ups, 20/14   10-1 Single Arm DB Row, R Single Arm DB Row, L Barbell Curl   AMRAP 10 30 Alt Leg V-ups 20 Side Plank Raises (10/side), 25/15 :10 sec L-sit     Virtual (6am / 4pm) Single Leg Wall Sit: 3 x...
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EMOM 10 Minutes 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Snatch Then…… 3 Rounds 50 Double Unders 40 DB Hang Snatch 50/35 30 Deficit Push Ups 45s/25s Virtual WOD: 7am, 12 Noon, 6pm a. Floor Press 3 x 10-15 per arm b. Renegade Row 3  x 10-15 per arm Then…… Burpee Annie 50-40-30-20-10 Double Under Sit Up...
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