
9 AM-Yoga  No working out during this class! 10am- Open Gym and Crossfit Open 13.3 Make Up 11am- Endurance WOD Barraza AMRAP 18 Minutes 200m Run 9 Deadlifts 275/185 6 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups Then….. 3X500m Row Sprints Happy belated birthday to Tina!!!
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8 Min EMOM 3 Hang Power Snatches + 1 OHS, heavy Then… 20Min Partner AMRAP: 150 Situps 100 KB Swings, 53/35 75 Barbell Step ups, 135 (20″)/95 (16″) 25 Bar Muscle-ups *Row for Calories: 1 partner will row while the other is completing reps. Switch as often as you wish. Come get your Yoga on...
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CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.3 12 Min AMRAP: 150 Wall Balls, 20 (10ft)/14 (9ft) 90 Double Unders 30 Muscle -ups Click HERE for the standards  
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Lynn 5 Rounds Max Effort body weight Bench Press Max Effort Pullups Post reps completed in each round to comments:
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8 Min EMOM  Squat Clean, 3 sec pause + Hang Squat Clean, 3 sec pause + Jerk, Heavy Then… 3 Rounds 7 Hang Squat clean Thrusters, 135/95 9 C2B Pullups 12 KB Snatches, 53/35 Cherie counting reps for Corinne, the Birthday Girl!
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Complete 5 rounds: 1 Power Clean then 1 Push Press…2 Power Cleans then 2 Push Presses…3 Power Cleans then 3 Push Presses and so on until you can not complete the progression. These are touch and go reps. Once you fail, rest 3 minutes, decide if you went too heavy or too light, adjust the...
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10am-Open Gym and 13.2 WOD last chance!! 11am-Endurance WOD Row 2K and 100 Wall Balls 100 Pullups 100 Sit ups Break up any way   Gavin G-Strong Guy!!  Tom and Gaga have taught him well.  
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8AM: Beginners (non-beer WOD) 9AM: CrossFit Open 13.2 10AM: St.Pukies Day Beer WOD 5 Rounds 200m Run 15 Inverted Burpees 15 Burpees 10 HSPU *Each each round starts with a beverage Last Years St.Pukies Crew
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For Time: 12 Minutes to Establish a 1RM Snatch *This is done with your partner and 1 bar only 800m Weighted Run, 53/35 30 Snatches, 135/95 (These are alternating between partners) 800m Weighted Run, 53/35 Cash Out: 2 Rope Climbs Our Annual St.Pukies Day workout will be this Saturday April 16th. SATURDAY’S SCHEDULE 8AM: Beginners...
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