
Body Weight Warm-up Week 6 Then… Front Squat: 5X5 Then… 6 ROUNDS: 10 Strict Toes to Bars 5 Pistol Progression #2 (One-legged Squats) on each leg. Yes, even if you have pistols you should preform this progression. You will pick a box that places the crease of hip below crease of knee in bottom of squat....
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Happy Mother’s Day!!!! 9am- Yoga No lifting or Open Gym during this class 10am- Open Gym 11am- Endurance Class 3x Max effort row or run in 1 Minute intervals Rest equals slow jog or slow row for 1 minute (absolutely no stopping the row or walking) Then….. Crossfit Momma AMRAP 20 Minutes 400m Run with...
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NO REGULAR CLASSES! Crossfit Total – 10am (9am warm-up) 1 RM Back Squat 1 RM Deadlift 1RM Press Warm  up: 9am-9:55am First Lift: 10:05am   Happy birthday to El Wingador, our favorite strong man!!  
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15 minutes to Establish a 1rm Shoulder to Overhead Then… 2013 CrossFit Regionals Team Event 6 For Time: 100 Double-Unders (Partner 1 completes 50, then partner 2) 50 HSPU (while partner hold handstand) 50 Toes-to-bar (while partner hangs from bar) 50 Shoulder to overhead, 160/100 (while partner holds their bar in the front rack) Walking...
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Snatch Balance 5×2 Then: “Nancy” Five rounds of: *400 meter run 15 Overhead squat 95/65 *Running sub will be offered by coach if rain is intense. 7:30 Strength Class Tonight Post Loads and Times to Comments:
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Deadlift: 5-5-5 Then… 3 Rounds: 9 Deadlifts, 275/205 15 Burpees 21 Pullups REMINDER: Our next CrossFit Total is this Saturday May 11th. Warm-up will be from 9am-9:50am. First lift will start at 10:05am. The Total is 3 attempts at 1rm Back Squat, Dead-lift, and Press. There is no class on this day.    
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EMOM 7 Minutes Hang Squat Clean Hi Hang Squat Clean Jerk Then…. Squat Clean Elizabeth 21-15-9 Squat Clean 135/95 Ring Dips Kendrick Farris deep in the squat!
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Body Weight Warm-up Week 5 3 min Max Effort tire flips. Alone or in pairs. Graceful Kettlebella perform for time 60 ttal reps Left arm KB Snatch then Left arm KB Clean & Jerk Right arm KB Snatch then Right arm KB Clean & Jerk. 70/53 lbs.
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9 am- Yoga No Open gym, no lifting during Yoga 10 am- Open Gym 11am- Endurance WOD Tabata Row 8 Rounds 20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds rest Tabata Run 8 Rounds 20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds rest 4 Rounds 10 Pullups 20 KB Snatches 53/36 30 Air Squats Happy birthday, Braz!!
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“Michael” Three rounds for time of: Run 800 meters 50 Back Extensions 50 Sit-ups Post Times To Comments:
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