
WWPF “Around The Horn” Teams of 3 Each Partner starts on a different station. Rotate when everyone is done the reps for each round for both workouts   10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Cal Row Cal ski Cal bike   3 min break   10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 HSPU DB Clean & Jerk, 50’s/35’s C2B pull-up  
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Press 3×5 Increase Weight by 2% from last week.   RDL 3×8 Increase Weight by 2% from last week.   Then   For Time:   3 Rounds of:   10 Power Snatch (135/93) 20 Toes To Bar 50 Air Squats   Post Loads and Times to ZEN and Comments:  
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Close Grip Bench Press: 3 x 6 (increase wt from last week) Weighted Strict Pull-ups: 3 x 1   Then….   “A Whittle B-Day WOD” For Time Cash In: 82 Double Unders 30-20-10 Cal Bike Floor Press, 135/83 Bent Over Row, 135/83 Cash Out: 82 Double Unders   Finisher 38 bicep curls 38 skull crushers...
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Clean 2-2-2 Then……. Mamba– In honor or Kobe, Gigi, John, Alyssa, Keri, Sarah, Payton, Christina, and Ara AMRAP 18 Minutes 5 Muscle Ups 8 Power Cleans 185/123 24 Box Jumps 30/24 13 Burpees Kobe and Gigi The Mamba WOD was created by Crossfit Invictus in 2016 in honor of Kobe’s retirement.  The 13 reps were...
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Back squat 6RM with 2 x 6 @ 97% 4 rounds :In 3 min 25/20 cal row, max DB Thrusters with remaining time. Rest 1 minute after each round
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9am-Olympic Lift Technique with Amie 10am-Endurance WOD with Brian 11:15am- Yoga with Brantlee Endurance WOD Ring RowBarbara 5 Rounds 20 Ring Rows 30 Pushups 40 SitUps 50 Air Squats *400m Run or 500m Row after each round
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Front Squat: establish a heavy triple    then…   For Time: 50 Double Unders 10 DB Hang Snatch, 50/35 50 Box Step-ups, 50/35   50 DU 20 DB Hang Snatch 40 Box Step-ups   50 DU 30 DB Hang Snatch 30 Box Step-ups   50 DU 20 DB Hang Snatch 20 Box Step-ups   50...
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15 Minutes to a Heavy Power Clean Then…… AMIE-Palooza AMRAP 15 Minutes 13 Wall Climbs 13 Power Cleans 155/103 13 Cal Ski 13 Toes Through Rings *Every 3 minutes 2 Rope Climbs Happy 26th birthday to Coach Amie!!!  
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Press 3×5 Increase Weight by 2% from last week.   RDL 3×8 Increase Weight by 2% from last week.   Then   For Time:   30 Overhead Squats (95/65) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 20 Overhead Squats 20 Box Jumps 10 Overhead Squats 30 Box Jumps   Post Loads and Times to Zen and Comments:  
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Close Grip Bench Press: 3×6 Weighted Strict Pull-ups: 3×3   Then   “Grace” 30 C&J, 135/93   Then….   MidLine Mania Cash Out: 3 min plank 2 min handstand hold 1 min L-sit  
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