
EMOM 7 1 Power Clean 1 Clean 2 Push Jerks Then… AMRAP 7 3 Power Cleans 165/115 3 Push Jerks 3 Bar Muscle Ups Then….. 3 Minutes ME Row for Calories Then… 1 Minute ME Burpees Don’t try to cheat.  Zombie Baby is always watching.    
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12 min Rope Climb Practice Rope Exercise Variations:  Spanish,  Russian, Legless, More Then: 4 Rounds for time 10 Monkey Swings from Rings or Bar. (Hang then let go with one hand to touch your leg returning grip to bar or rings, alternate. Sub with 30sec two handed hang from bar or rings. 20 Shoulder Touches(AKA Wall Runs)...
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9 am-Yoga 10am-Olympic Lift class with Coach Ryan (you must sign up on Zenplanner to attend this class) 11am-Endurance AMRAP 30 Minutes 8 Toes to Bar 8 Thrusters 95/65 12 Barbell Lunges 95/65 *At some point during the 30 minutes, you must accumulate 1600m on the rower*   Happy 50th birthday to Bill Brown!
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8am: Beginners CrossFit 9am: CrossFit 10am: Beat The Coach/ Open gym FOR REPS: 3 Min Max Burpees 1 Min Break 3 Min Max Pull-ups 1 Min Break 3 Min Max Squats 1 Min Break *Round 2 = 2 min of burpees, pullups, squats *Round 3 = 1 Min of burpees, pullups, squats Partner Friday
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All Classes are running on a normal schedule. Please no street shoes (snow shoes) on the main gym floor. Please bring clean shoes to wear for the workout.
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Valentine Couples Cash In 2000m Row (break up Meters anyway) ——-NO REST BETWEEN—— Valentine Special “Karen meets Grace” 150 Wall Balls (break up reps anyway) 30 Clean & Jerks , 135/95 (alternate every rep until 30 reps are completed) —-NO REST BETWEEN—- Valentine After Hours “Couples Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters, 95/65 Pull-ups *Alternate movements in each...
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We have Currently canceled All Morning Classes.  Please Check Back Here or our facebook page for updates on  our 12:00pm and other afternoon and evening classes.    Push Press  3-3-3 Then JT* 21-15-9 reps of: Handstand push-ups Ring dips Push-ups Post Loads and Times to Comments. *There are plenty of ways to scale JT for...
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10 min to find a heavy Snatch Then… 7 min ladder: 1-2-3-4…. OHS, 135/95 Box Jumps, 30/24 —-Rest 2 Min—- 3 min max DU Need a spot?
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10 Minutes to work up to a heavy Clean and Jerk Then…. 7 Minute Ladder (increase by 1 rep of each movement per round) 1 Front Squat 185/135 (Front squats come from the ground) 1 Ring Muscle Up 2 Front Squats 2 Ring Muscle Ups 3 3 4…….. 2 Minute Break Then…. 3 Minutes Max...
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