
9 am- Olympic Lift Technique with TJ 10 am- Endurance with Brian NO YOGA TODAY- We will have ROMWOD Endurance: Bill and Bernadette Endurance-Palooza AMRAP 36 Minutes 20 Ring Pullups 30 Pushups 20 Deadlifts 135/93 30 Box Jumps 24/20 20 Goblet Squats 53/35 30 Russian Swings 53/35 *Must Run 1 Mile or Ski 2000m or Bike...
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15 Minutes to a heavy Thruster Then….. AMRAP 16 Minutes 500m Row or Ski 15 Thrusters 115/83 4 Rope Climbs Happy birthday to Bernadette!    
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15 min to heavy hang snatch   then…   Wacky Wiser Partner Friday 42 Alt Squat Snatch, 95/53 30 planking burpees 18 C2B pull-ups  , mix anyway (partner hangs)   30 Alt Squat snatch , 135/83 30 planking burpees 18 c2b pull-up, mix anyway (partner hangs)   18 Alt Squat Snatch, 155/103 30 planking burpees...
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Press 3×5 Increase Weight by 2% from last week.   RDL 3×8 Increase Weight by 2% from last week.   Then:   3 Rounds of:   20 OH Dumbbell Lunges 50/35 (10L/10R anyway) 30 Double Unders 20 Weighted Step Ups 50/35 (Alternating) 30 Double Unders   Post Loads and Times to Zen and Comments:  
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Fit4All: AMRAP 32 Minutes 50′ Monster Crawl (paint lid crawl) 20 Med Ball Cleans 20 Burpees onto plate 20 SDHP 20 Box Jumps 20 Cal Bike or 20 Cal Ski or 400m Run 9 Lay to Stand or 3 Rope Climbs Garret working on his abs        
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Close grip bench: 3 x 4 Strict Wt pull-ups: 3 x 3   Then…   10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 KB swings, 53/35 Toes Through Rings HSPU
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AMRAP Chipper: 30 Minutes 100 Bicycle Crunches 80 Mountain Climbers 60 Lunges-Add weight if advanced 40/30 Cal Bike, Ski or Row 20 Burpees to Target Rachel G  
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15 Minutes to a heavy Hang Clean Then…. 5-4-3-2-1 Hang Clean 165/113 Burpee Bar Muscle Up Then, immediately afterward: 75 Wall Balls in fewest sets possible 10’/9′ Annie Sakamoto finishing that pull!    
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8:30am Class 10 Minute Row, alternating Rating of Perceived Exertion(RPE) Row at RPE 9/10 for 30 seconds Row at RPE 5/10 for 30 seconds Then…. AMRAP 15 Minutes 20 Goblet Squats 15 DB Floor Press 10 Pullups or Ring Rows 0:45 Plank Hold
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Back Squat 4 RM, then 2×4 @100% Then….. EMOM 12 Minutes-Switch movements every minute 1 Minute Ski Erg 1 Minute Ring Pushups 1 Minute Thrusters 45/33 Ann and Kev, Fit4ALL champs!
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