
10 min EMOM 1 Squat Clean + 1 Jerk *increase weight from last week   Then…   “Fran Obstacle Debacle” For Time: 21-15-9 Thruster, 95/63 Pull-up   Min 1:00: 30 Double Unders Min 3:00: 7 Burpees over bar Min 5:00: 30 Double Unders Min 7:00: 7 Burpees over bar *Continue this pattern until you complete...
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Virtual Yoga: 8am Oly : 9am Enduro: 10:15am   Inside WOD AMRAP 18 min  CASH IN: 2k Row or Ski   Then, AMRAP w/remaining time…   15 Plate Burpees 30 OH Plate Lunges, 45/25   ———————–5 min break—————————–   Outside WOD AMRAP 18 min 100m SA OH Carry (switch arms at 50m) 200m SA Farmers...
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Classes at 7:30am and 9am.  Virtual Class at 9am The whole workout will be outside.  Bring a water bottle. The Hills Have Eyes-The whole workout will be outside.  Bring a water bottle. 6 Rounds 150m Hill Run 20 Medicine Ball Cleans 20/15 20 KB Swings 53/35 finish 400m loop after each round *workout ends when...
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Hang Clean: 1-1-1 (all working sets >90%)   Then…   FOR TIME: 400m Run 21 Hang Cleans, 135/93 21 Toes 2 Bar   400m Run 15 Hang Cleans, 165/113 15 Toes 2 Bar   400m Run 9 Hang Cleans, 185/123 9 Toes 2 Bar   Virtual WOD (6am/4pm) Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 x 10-15 per...
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Baz Mamba 5 Rounds, 3 minute rest between rounds: 10 Strict Pullups 20 Pushups 30 Sit Ups 40 Air Squats 50 Double Unders *Each round is to be done as a sprint* Happy birthday to Baz!! Virtual WOD: 7am, 12 Noon, 6pm At Home Barbara: 5 Rounds, 3 minute rest between rounds 20 KB Swings...
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Running Barbara 5 Rounds 300m Run 20 Pushups 30 Sit Ups 40 Air Squats    
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10 min EMOM 2 Snatch + 1 OHS   Then…   ”B-Day Cap” Cash In: 36 Burpees Then, in any order: 36 Muscle-ups 36 Snatches, 135/83 ——————————————————- Virtual WOD (6am & 4pm) Wall Sit: 3 x 0:40 (add weight if possible) SA High Pulls: 3 x 10-12   then…   For Time: 12 min AMRAP...
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RDL 5-5-5 Then…… The Pete Soup 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift 165/103 Hang Power Clean Floor Press Happy 47th birthday to Pete C! Virtual WODs: 7am, 12 Noon, 6pm a. Handstand Hold 3x60s b. RDL 3×15 per leg Then………. AMRAP 14 Minutes 20 DB Sumo Deadlift 20 DB Hang Snatch 20 Burpee Over Dumbbell Fit4ALL 10 Minute Row,...
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10 Min EMOM 1  Clean + 1 Front Squat + Jerk (increase weight from last week)   Then…   For Time: 42 Alt Pistols 30 Box Jumps 18 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/93   30 Alt Pistols 30 Box Jumps 15 S2OH   18 Pistols 30 Box Jumps 12 S2OH Virtual WOD (6am / 4pm)  ...
Read More   CrossFit WestChester is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: M,W,F 4pm Crossfit Class Time: Jun 22, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Every week on Mon, Wed, Fri, until Aug 3, 2020, 19 occurrence(s) Jun 22, 2020 04:00 PM Jun 24, 2020 04:00 PM Jun 26, 2020 04:00 PM...
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