0:00-15:00 Heavy Deadlift 15:00-25:00 AMRAP 10 Minutes 10 KB or DB Deadlift-2KB or 2 DB 10 KB Front Squat -2KB or 2 DB 10 Box Step Up and Over (2KB or 2 DB)-knee height box 25:00-40:00 Heavy Back Squat
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WWPF – 12 Days Edition 12 Days of CrossFit West Chester1 MU (synchronized)2 Heavy Thrusters, 135/93 (Relay Style)3 HSPU (Synchronized)4 KB swings, 53/35 (Relay Style)5 Golden Ring Pullups (Synchronized)6 Knees to Elbows (Relay Style)7 Burpee Tuck Jumps (Synchronized)8 Box Jumps (Relay Style)9 Situps (Synchronized)10 KB Snatches (Relay)11 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 (Synchronized)12 SDHP, 53/35 (Relay)
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AMRAP 12 Minutes 2000m Bike Max Burpee Sandbag Cleans with Remaining Time AMRAP 12 Minutes Run, Row or Ski as Far As Possible AMRAP 12 Minutes Ab Circuit 15 GHD Situps or Weighted Sit Ups 15 Russian Twists 15 Leg Raises
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1a. Bent Over Row: 3×6 1b. Strict Press: 3×6 Then…. “Merry Muscle-up” – 15 Min AMRAP 4 Bar Muscle-ups 12 Burpee Pull-ups 25′ Handstand Walk (scale w/double DB OH carry)
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EMOM 10 Minutes 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Hang Snatch Then…. 8 Days of Hanukkah 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Snatch Grip Deadlift 115/83 Hang Snatch OHS
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Pause Front Squat: 3 x 5 (2 sec pause) @ 80% Then… 20 MIN EMOM Odd Minutes: 15 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 Even Minutes: 10 Toes 2 Bar
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Olympic Lift Technique Class: -Yoyo Snatch 5×1 (3 Below knee snatch pulls + 1 Below knee snatch) -2 Jerk Dips + 1 Jerk 5×1 Endurance WOD: Choose a Hero (with added cardio) Jack Plus: AMRAP 30 Minutes 10 Push Press 115/73 10 KB Swings 53/35 10 Box Jumps 24/20 200m Run or Row Or…… Falkel...
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Special Linda-Score is sum of the 3 lifts on the last round (deadlift +bench+ clean) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift Bench Press Clean (Squat or Power) *10 Cal Bike or Ski after each round* Start the round of 10 with 60% of your 1 RM and try to increase weight each round until you are at 95-100% on...
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WWPF – Birthday PUG edition 0:00 – 16:00 (AMRAP 16) 12 Alt Squat Snatches, 135/93 150 Double Unders (mix anyway) 07 Synchronized Burpees over Bar 18:00 – 34:00 (AMRAP 16) 16 Synchronized DB Hang Snatches, 50/35 16 Box Step-up and Overs, 50’s/35’s (mix anyway) 16 Alt Strict Pull-ups
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AMRAP 35 Minutes 800m Run 50 GHD or Weighted Sit Ups 750m Row 50 KB Deadlifts(2KB) 70s/53s 750m Ski 50 Split Squats 95/63
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