1RM 20m Weighted Walk. This will be like the stimulus of a Yoke Walk. You’ll load a bar with weight on a rack, take the weight for a walk up the box and back to the rack. 4 Rounds of 6 Skin-the-cats (RX Movement from a ring height that feet don’t touch, scale leverage i.e. str8 leg to tucks &/or ROM) 4 L-Pull-ups Max Rep Handstand Touches (RX movement is while holding a handstand support while facing the wall on one arm and bring the opposite arm up an touch your shoulder see video & article linked, scale by handstand progression with same movement) “365lb 20m walk… I forget what time I got for the WOD, but it was bloody hard!!” – Sam the Australian 1/30/12
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10am: Olympic Lifting 11am: Endurance 5 Attempts: 1 Clean 3 Front Squats 1 Jerk 3 Back Squats 1 Jerk THEN… 3 Rounds 5 MU 50 Air Squats The Ninja Turtle rocking out the KB Swings during Donkey Kong
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Strength Back Squat: 3 X 5 Then… Donkey Kong 21-15-9 KB Swings, 53/35 (Scale Pullup bars, run up stairs) Burpees Box Jumps, 24/20 8AM: CrossFit Beginners 9AM: CrossFit 10AM: Open Gym
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3 Rounds : 1a. Max Effort Press,  use 75% of 1RM 1b. Max Effort Pullups (Kipping only after M.E. Strict Pullups) *Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds Then… 12 Min AMRAP: 3 Wall Climbs 6 Deadlift, 275/205 9 Toes Through Rings Happy Birthday to Coach Kenny!    Partner Friday will be back next week:)        
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Clean 5×2 Then Valentine Special Couple’s Karen Meets Grace 150 Wall Balls 30 Clean and Jerks No Rest Valentine After Hours Couple’s Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters Pullups *Karen Meets Grace – Team of two will perform all 150 wall balls. The Couple may break this up any way they see fit.  Couple moves to Grace once all wallballs are complete.  Couple will alternate every rep of Grace until  all 30 are complete.  Couple Fran –  Each member will alternate movements in each round.  Couple 1 does thrusters and couple 2 does pullups then they switch for round two and back again for round 3.  Strength Class Back Squat 5×5 Post Loads and Times to comments: Congratulations Jenny and Jimmy From all of us at CFWC
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