Lynn 5 Rounds Max Effort body weight Bench Press Max Effort Pullups Post reps completed in each round to comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMq1rTaErMc
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8 Min EMOM  Squat Clean, 3 sec pause + Hang Squat Clean, 3 sec pause + Jerk, Heavy Then… 3 Rounds 7 Hang Squat clean Thrusters, 135/95 9 C2B Pullups 12 KB Snatches, 53/35 Cherie counting reps for Corinne, the Birthday Girl!
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Complete 5 rounds: 1 Power Clean then 1 Push Press…2 Power Cleans then 2 Push Presses…3 Power Cleans then 3 Push Presses and so on until you can not complete the progression. These are touch and go reps. Once you fail, rest 3 minutes, decide if you went too heavy or too light, adjust the weight if need be and try to beat your previous rounds. Post best round, reps completed and loads used to comments.
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10am-Open Gym and 13.2 WOD last chance!! 11am-Endurance WOD Row 2K and 100 Wall Balls 100 Pullups 100 Sit ups Break up any way   Gavin G-Strong Guy!!  Tom and Gaga have taught him well.  
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8AM: Beginners (non-beer WOD) 9AM: CrossFit Open 13.2 10AM: St.Pukies Day Beer WOD 5 Rounds 200m Run 15 Inverted Burpees 15 Burpees 10 HSPU *Each each round starts with a beverage Last Years St.Pukies Crew
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