11am Endurance WOD 100 Hollow Body Rocks for Time Then…. 7 Rounds 3 Thrusters 155/115 5 Strict Pullups Cash Out: 50 Hand Stand Push Ups
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1RM Weight Box jump 20″ • add (Dumbells/KB) in each hand • Step down! Then: for 10 min Every Odd Minute 10 Toes 2 Bar Every Even Minute 3 KB squat Clean & Jerks 70/53
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OH Squat: 12 min to establish a 3 rep max Then… 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Then… 1 -2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 KB Swings, 70/53 SDHP, 95/65 *Partners will rotate movements after each rep scheme. You may not move on until both partners are finished each movement. Natty Lite goin for it!        
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Power Clean 2-2-2-2-2 Then 15 Min Amrap 3 Hand Stand Push Ups 6 Pullups 12 Hang Squat Clean (65/45) Strength Class Bench Press 5×3 Power Clean 5×1 Post Loads and Rounds Completed to Comments:
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EMOM for 7 Minutes: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS, heavy Then… 3 Rounds: 75 Double Unders 15 C2B Pull-ups 10 Burpee bar touches THE WINTER HOODED SWEATSHIRTS ORDERING PERIOD ENDS THIS FRIDAY 11/30!
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