10 AM WOD ONLY In teams of 4: two people work at a time With a Pet Rock 70/53 Pet rock can never touch the ground 300 Pullups 400 Pushups 500 Sit Ups 600 Double Unders Run 1 Mile (yes, with the pet rock) Movements must be done in order  
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15 Min to Establish a 1RM Jerk (Anyway) Then… 3 Rounds: 400m Run 50 Air Squats 12 Shoulder to OH, 155/115   We will hold class at 10am on the 4th of July. There will be room for ALL Levels.    
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Test: Work up to 1 RM Floor Press Then….. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Barbell Floor Press 135/95 Power Clean 135/95 Pull Up   Dumbbell Floor Press
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Front Squat 12 min to work up to a 1 rep max then drop in 20lbs increments and do sets of 3 until you have no weight on your bar Then: 12 min AMRAP 100′ Burpee Broad Jump 100′ Walking lunge with plate overhead 45/25
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