Pop Quiz Everyone will be doing our baseline as a test to compare against when you started. In case you are a veteran from CFWC 2.0 or just plan forget… 500m row 40 squats 30 situps 20 handrelease push-ups 10 pull-ups Time to beat Jimmy Wiser 4:21 Then 1RMTurkish Getup/1RM Windmill We will be exploring other equipment if the gym as well 🙂    
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Row 500m x 3 Then… With A Partner, Complete the Following: AMRAP 18 Minutes: 5 Shoulder to OH, 115/75 10 Deadlifts, 115/75 15 Box Jumps, 24/20 *Partners will alternate rounds until 18 minutes runs out. Don’t forget to read about our new Business Owner of the Month, Tom Greco. His story is upstairs in the lounge.
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Back Squat lifter choice for bar position (high or low) 3×3 Then 21 Pull-ups 21 KettleBell Snatch 30 Walking lunge 18 Pull-ups 18 KettleBell Snatch 30 Walking lunge 15 Pull-ups 15 KettleBell Snatch 30 Walking lunge 12 Pull-ups 12 KettleBell Snatch 30 Walking lunge 9 Pull-ups 9 KettleBell Snatch 30 Walking lunge 6 Pull-ups 6 KettleBell Snatch Post Loads and Time to comments:
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Our massage therapist Dana Hurley will be teaching a Thai Stretching class Thursdays at 8:30am. Come check it out!
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12 minutes to work up to a heavy 3 rep Squat Clean Then… 4 Rounds: 5 Cleans (anyway),  205/135 10 Toes 2 Bar 15 Wall Balls Shots, 20/14 (10ft) Happy Birthday Kailee! AND…. Happy Birthday Natty Lite!
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