Clean and Jerk 2-2-2 (Not touch and go) Then…. 60 Cal Row 50 Air Squats 40 Burpees over Box 24/20 30 KB Snatches 70/53 20 Power Cleans 155/103 10 Bar Muscle Ups   Happy belated birthday to Tina D!  
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Overhead Squat: 3-3-3 Then.. 5 Rounds 2 Rope Climbs 10 HR Pushups 10 Jumping Squats, 45/33
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10 am- Olympic Lifting 11 am- Endurance 5 Rounds 400m Run 40 double unders 15 Burpee box jumps 2 Minute rest between rounds
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15.4 8-minute AMRAP: 3 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 6 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 9 handstand push-ups 3 cleans 12 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 15 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 18 handstand push-ups 6 cleans 21 handstand push-ups 9 cleans Etc., following same pattern Scale: 8 Min AMRAP 10 Push Press, 95/65 10 Cleans, 115/75 Super Doug and Jane at the 6am rocking their Handstands!
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Test: 1RM Bench Press Test: 1RM Pullup Then… “Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” 50-40-30-20-10 Power Snatch,  95/63 Toes 2 Bar *Partners can work at the same time, just not on the same movement. 15.4 Friday 6pm Saturday: 8am ,9am, 10am  
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