“Lynne” Five rounds for max reps of: Body weight bench press Pull-ups   Post Reps for Each Round to Comments and ZEN:
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5 min EMOM Power Snatch + HPS + OHS Then… “WWPF” AMRAP 16 minutes 50 Partner Med-Ball Situps, 20/14 30 Weighted Pushups, 45/25 15 Power Snatches, 155/103 Billy Joe Doing Work
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Front Squats 2-2-2 Then: 7 Rounds Of: 10 Wall Balls 10 Pullups 10 Box Jumps Post Loads and Times to ZEN:
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RDL: 3 x 5 Weighted Pullups: 3 x 5 Then.. For time 100 Double Unders 30 Pistols, alt 9 Hang Power Cleans, 185/133 20 Pistols 7 Hang Power Cleans, 205/143 10 Pistols 5 Hang Power Cleans, 225/153 100 Double Unders This Friday is the last day to Pre-Order your Halloween ThermalĀ  Men Order Here Women Order Here  
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EMOM 5 Minutes 1 Power Clean 1 Jerk 1 Power Clean 1 Jerk Then…… 4 Rounds 400m Run 200m Plate Pinch Farmer Carry 25s/15s Then……(after a 2 minute break starting whenever you finish the 4 rounds) 3 Minute Max Bar Muscle Ups (sub max rep pullups if no BMU yet) Crisscrossafuli doing Ring Muscle Ups  
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