Compare to your score on 12/16/23 and try to end heavier Special Linda-Score is sum of the 3 lifts on the last round (deadlift +bench+ clean) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift Bench Press Clean (Squat or Power) *10 Cal Bike or Ski after each round* Start the round of 10 with 60% of your 1 RM and try to increase weight each round until you are at 95-100% on the round of 1
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WWPF – 40 Min CAP 1000m Row (switch as needed) – partner holds db’s 90 DB Push Press, 50’s/35’s – mix reps anyway 400m Sled Push, 55/35 – push around 400m loop 1000m Row (switch as needed) – partner hangs 60 T2B – partner hangs / mix reps anyway 300m Sled Push, 55/35 – push around 300m loop 1000m Row (switch as needed) – partner holds front plank 30 Muscle-ups – mix reps anyway 200m Sled Push, 55/35
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15 Minutes to a Heavy Clean Then…. 5 Rounds 75 Double Unders 21/15 Cal Bike 5 Front Squats 225/153 (Clean it if you mean it, but can be taken from rack if necessary)
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RDL 3×6 Strict Press 3×6 Then… Fight Gone Ok-ish 3 Rounds, 1 Minute at each station Wall Balls 12 feet/10 feet Handstand Walk (scale with hs hold or OH carry) Cal Ski Burpees GHD Sit Ups/Leg Raises/Wtd Sit-up Rest
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10 MIN EMOM 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 OHS 18 MIN AMRAP 1 Legless Rope Climb 6 Box Jumps, 30/24 12 Pull-ups 18 DB Snatches, 50/35
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