WWPF 0:00 – 8:00 Establish a Max Hang Snatch 10:00 – 22:00 12 min AMRAP 30 Thrusters, 95/63 8 Alt Rope Climbs 24:00 – 32:00 8 min AMRAP Max Cal Row (partner holds pet rock) 25:00 – 30:00 Max Distance Read more
For Time: 125 DU 60 Kb Swings, 53/35 40 Pullups 20 OHS, 95/63 800m Run 20 OHS, 95/63 40 Pushups 60 Med Ball Situps, 20/14 125 DU Order Wednesday for Sunday night drop-offRead more
15 Minutes to a heavy Clean and Jerk Then….. 4 Rounds 3 Clean and Jerks 205/143 10 Strict HSPU 300m Run Meet Faith, CFWC member and owner of Steelehouse Nutrition in West Chester! Check out their website at https://www.steelehousenutrition.com/Read more
Front Squat: 3 x 5 (3 sec pause on reps 1-3-5) 3 rounds for time 30 DB Alt Reverse lunges off a 45lbs plate 50/35 20 Single leg toes to bar 10 DB Push-ups (use your db to get a deeper range of motion chest touches deck)Read more