TWOW: 30 Minute Run, no stopping. sprint 60 seconds every 5 Minutes. Sprint at RPE 8, Run at RPE 6 Skill: -10 Minutes HS Practice, walk, static, obstacle, against wall, up to your skill level -3 x 45sec Hollow Body Handstand hold against wall, absolutely no arch, chin to chest -3x ME Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups *If new to muscle up, accumulate 15-20 total depending on skill level -EMOM 5 Minutes of 5 Strict C2B Pullup AND 5 Strict Ring Dips (do both each minute) Gymnastics Complex Work-3 X T2B plus 3x Bar Muscle Ups No Muscle ups yet? Ring Work: 3×5 false grip strict ring pullups to chest, 3×10 ring dips with 2 second pause at bottom, 3×10 low ring banded muscle ups Bar Muscle up 3×5 kip to hip Extra Conditioning: 5 Rounds 50 Ft Yoke Carry-Heavy 2 Peg Board Ascents And…. 3 Rounds 7 Bar Muscle Ups-unbroken...
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