Olympic Lifting -Low Hang Snatch Pull + Low Hang Snatch: 5×1 @ 83-88% then…. -Every 2 minutes…. 2 Rounds: 3 cleans + 1 Jerk 2 Rounds: 2 cleans + 1 Jerk 3 Rounds: Clean + Jerk Endurance – 35 MIN AMRAP 30 Pull-ups / Jumping Pull-ups/ Rings Rows 1000m Run 30 Med Ball Cleans, 20/14 800m Run 30 Toes 2 Rings / Weighted Sit-ups 600m Run 30 SA DB C&J, 50/35 400m Run 30 Burpees 200m Run
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Snatch-Heavy Single Then….. AMRAP 17 Minutes  3 Snatch 165/113 5 Box Jumps -High (you choose height) 200m Run
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WWPF 0:00-10:00 Work to a heavy deadlift (not 1rm) 12:00 – 30:00 (18 Min AMRAP) 30 Deadlifts, (225/153 (mix anyway) 20 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 10 Alt Burpee MU 30:00 – 36:00 (6 min AMRAP) Max Drag Rope DU Max Cal SKi *Must switch movements EMOM
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AMRAP 35 Minutes -Wear a Ruck or Vest (30/20) the whole time and can go in any order 200m Sandbag Carry (yes, with your ruck) 2 Minute Plank Hold 800m Ruck Run 20 Burpees Over Wall(more burpees) 1000m Row 50 Pushups
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6×5 RDL with 2 second pause at bottom 6×5 Strict Pull-up with 2 second pause  Then…. 3 Rounds 20 T2B 20 Burpees to Target 400m Run
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