A Gym In West Chester That Can Help With Weight Loss & Dieting
WWPF 0:00 – 20:00 (AMRAP 20) 12 Snatches, 135/93 (mix anyway) 24 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps, 24″/20″ 12 Synchronized Back Squats, 135/93 24 Cal Bike (mix anyway) 21:00 – 36:00 (AMRAP 15) 100m Partner Sled Relay (push partner) 200m Run Relay 30 Synchronized KB Swings, 53/35
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Run 1 mile or Row 2k Then… 15 rounds 5 Burpees 7 DB Hang Snatch 50/35 9 GHD Sit-ups or Leg Raises Then…. 400m Sandbag Carry 
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EOMOM 14 Minutes  5 RDLs 20 second hang into max reps unbroken Strict Pull-ups Then… 21-15-9-6-3 Deadlift 225/153 Hspu 50 Double Unders after each round
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10 MIN EMOM 1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Jerk Then… “Muscle-up Grace” – For Time (mix reps anyway) 30 Clean & Jerks, 135/93 30 Ring Muscle Ups **MU SCALE: (30 C2B/30 Strict Dips)(40 pull-ups/40 ring push-ups)(50 ring rows/50 mod push-ups)
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Back Squat 4×2 Then…. Happy Birthday to Amy Greco! 52 Box Step Ups 24/20 52 Cal Ski 52 Wall Balls 52 Cal Bike 52 Burpees 52 Box Step Ups
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