Olympic Lifting -Snatch Start (pause at knee) + Snatch: work to a heavy -Clean & Jerk Doubles x 5 sets Endurance Eagles PEP-Rally WOD (Wear EAGLES Green!) AMRAP the length of the field in 35 Minutes 10 Wall Walks 200m SA OH Carry 30 Target Burpees 40 Cal Bike 50 DB Snatches 40 Cal Ski 30 Jumping Pull-ups (bar above max reach = rx) 200m SA Farmers Carry, 70/53 10 Rope Climbs
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Bench Press 5-5-5 Then…. Open Workout 17.5 10 rounds for time of:9 thrusters 95/6335 double-unders
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Why CrossFit West Chester Is Ranked One of The Best Gyms In West Chester, Pennsylvania
Wacky Wiser Partner Friday FOR TIME 3 ROUNDS 30 Hang Cleans, 135/93 (mix anyway) 15 Synchronized Toes 2 Bar 10 Shuttle Run Relays, 25′ up/ 25′ back (mix anyway) 2 ROUNDS 40 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/93 20 Strict HSPU (partner holds hs) 20 Shuttle Run Relays 1 ROUND 30 Hang Clean & Jerk, 135/93 15 Synchronized BMU 30 Shuttle Run Relays
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AMRAP 11 MIN CASH IN: 60/50 Cal Bike Max DB Box Step-Overs w/remaining time, 50’s/35’s AMRAP 11 MIN CASH IN: 1600m Ski Max Target Burpees w/remaining time AMRAP 11 MIN CASH IN: Accumulate 4 min sandbag hold (Bear Hug), 100/75 Max Reps Sandbag Complex w/Remaining time (Ground 2 Shoulder + 2 Lunges + 1 Shoulder 2 OH)
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15 MIN EMOM Min 1: 8 Deadlifts Min 2: 8 DB Strict Press (2 db’s) Min 3: 45s Handstand Holds then…. 3 Rounds 500m Row or Ski 42 KB Swings, 53/35 21 C2B Pull-ups
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