Back squat : Week 3 1 x 5 @ 75% 2 X 5 @80% 3 x 5 @ 85% THEN… For Time: 30 Kettlebell snatches (alt from the floor each rep) 53/35 30 Kettlebell Cleans (alt from the floor each time) 30 Single Arm KB Thrusters (break up reps anyway) CFWC Representing at Masters of...Read More
10am Olympic Lifting 11am Endurance Endurance WOD For Time: 400m Run 50 SDHP, 53/35 400m Run 50 Box Jumps, 24/20 800m Run 50 Push-ups 400m Run 50 Kb Swings,53/35 400m Run Masters of the UniverseRead More
Over Head Squat 1×3@75% 1×3@80% 3×3@85% Then 5 Rounds of: 10 OHS 95#/65# 20 Kettle Bell Swings 53#/35# 30 Double Unders Post Loads to Comments and Zen Read More
Snatch Grip RDL: 3 x 3 Weighted Front Plank: 3 x 1:00 Then… 30-20-10 Shoulder 2 OH, 115/73 Box Jumps, 24/20 Toes 2 Bar CFWC is hosting a Fundraiser Competition Saturday May 2 to raise money for your CFWC Snatches & Jerks. There will be RX, Scaled, and Masters (45+) Division. Come out and support...Read More
Great turnout for the Elizabeth Ciunci Butterfly Run! Back squat: week 2 3×3@80% 3×3@85% 3×3@90% For time 10 rounds of 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 air squatsRead More