15 Minutes to a heavy clean Then… Crossfit Open WOD 16.2 (kind of) As far as possible in 20 Minutes 25 Toes to Bar 50 Double Unders 15 Squat Cleans 135/83 25 Toes to Bar 50 Double Unders 13 Squat Cleans 185/113 25 Toes to Bar 50 Double Unders 11 Squat Cleans 225/143 25 Toes to...Read More
Front Squat: 3 x 5. (3sec pause on reps 1-3-5) * increase weight from last week Then for time: 50 KB Manmakers 35’s/26’s Push-up + 1 arm row + 1 arm row + squat clean thrusterRead More
8 am, 9:30 and 11am classes 12 DAYS OF CFWC CHRISTMAS One Muscle Up Two Heavy Thrusters 135/95 and one muscle up Three Handstand Pushups, 2 heavy thrusters and one muscle up Four Kettle Bell Swings 53/36, 3 hspu, 2 heavy thrusters…. Five Golden Ring pullups, 4 kb swings, 3...Read More
WWPF 1200m Med Ball Run Relay (3 x 200 each) 12 Rope Climbs, alt 30 Synchronized Toes 2 Bar 50 Pushups, 45/25 800m Med Ball Run Relay (2 x 200 each) 9 Rope Climbs, alt 20 Synchronized Toes 2 Bar 40 Pushups, 45/25 400m Med Ball...Read More
Back Squat 3-3-3 Then Christmas Balls, Jingle Bells, and Burpees. 7 Rounds 10 Wall Balls (20/15) 10 Burpees 10 KB Swings (2Pood/1.5Pood) Post Loads and Times to Zen and Comments: Read More
1A. Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 x 10 (each leg) (barbell/kettlebells/dumbbells may be used) 1B. Strict Pullups: 3 x M.E. Then…’ For Time: 21 Power Cleans, 135/93 21 Ring Dips 30 Alt Pistols 15 Power Cleans 15 Ring Dips 20 Alt Pistols 9 Power Cleans ...Read More