Bench Press: 10 rm (increase weight from last week) then, 2 x 10 @90% Then…. For Time: 400m Run 30 OHS, 95/63 15 Target Burpees 400m Run 30 Front Rack Lunges, 115/73 15 Target Burpees 400m Run 30 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/93 15 Target Burpees Harsh Attack with a new Clean PR,...Read More
15 Minutes to a Heavy Clean Crossfit Games 2017 WOD 9-amended weight 8 rounds for time of: 4 bar muscle-ups 2 cleans, ascending weight (cleans any way) M 155–165-175-185-205-215-225-235 F 103-113-123-133-143-153-163-173 Debbie, Doug and Paul viewing the eclipseRead More
Reminder: No Olympic Lifting class this morning! 9am-12pm- Open Gym 11 am- Endurance 4 Stations, 10 minutes per station Station 1: Run 1 Mile, rest remainder of time Station 2: Row 1 Mile, rest remainder of time Station 3: 300 Double Unders Station 4: 7 Minute Max Cal on Bike, rest remainder of timeRead More
Bench Press: 10rm (increase weight from last week) Then 2 X 10 @90% Then… For Time: 100 double unders Run 400m 75 Alt Russian Swings, 53/35 Run 300m 50 Pull-ups Run 200m 25 Deadlifts, 255/173 Run 100m Order your Kb Meals by Wed evening for Sunday drop off Read More
Back squat 2-2-2 @90-95% Then… 12 min Emom 1 min 10 cal on the Assault Bike 2 min 10 Cal Row 3 min 15 Wall Balls 20/14 You can start at any station you like or coach directed; Read More