
A. Bench Press 5-5-5 B. Barbell Bicep Curl 10-10-10 (3 second eccentric, fast concentric) Then….. AMRAP 15 Minutes 5 Strict Pullups 15 Pushups 30 KB or DB Snatch 53/35 Don’t forget to sign up for the CFWC Super Summer Total!! Registration closes soon!                  
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WBPF- For Time With a Partner: Partner Karen: 150 Wall Balls for Time (one person works at a time, split reps however you want) Partner Grace-a-bel: 30 Clean and Jerks 135/93 (15 per person) And 30 Snatches 135/93 (15 Per Person) Partner Annie: (double unders are relay style, situps can be done at same time)...
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Over Head Squat 2-2-2   Then:   5 Rounds:   20 Double Unders 15 Pullups 10 Over Head Squat (95/63)   Post Loads and TImes to ZEN and Comments:  
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DEADLIFTS AND DIPS: WK 1 1A. Deadlift: 5 x 5 @ 75% (all working sets MUST be done at 75% of last weeks 1RM Test. Do NOT go heavier than the prescribed amount) 1B. Weighted Dips: 3 X 10   (must have 15-20 perfect pushups) . Modify with: 3 x Max Effort PERFECT pushups   Then…...
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Brian Saviski/Dave Hutcheson Birthday Extravaganza AMRAP 30 Minutes 4 Bar Muscle Ups 5 Power Cleans 185/123 20 Burpees 20 Box Jumps 24/20 400m Run *Must Row 2000m at some point* (not to be broken up) Happy birthday to Brian, and let us remember Dave Hutcheson, who would be 64 today.
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TWOW: 10x 30 second prowler push with 30 second rest.  RPE 8, weight 135/95 Then… EMOM 10 Minutes 100m Sprint RPE 8 Skill WOD: -10 Minutes HS Practice, walk, static, obstacle, against wall, up to your skill level -3 x 45 sec Hollow Body Handstand hold against wall, absolutely no arch, chin to chest -EMOM...
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Tempo Back Squat: 4-4-4 3s drop 3s pause 3s up Rest 2-3 min between (build from last week) Then… EMOM 12 min 1st min Barbell Back Rack reverse lunge 95/65 2nd min dual DB Curl & Press ahap Who will survive the Battle for Winterfell???
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9 am- Olympic Lift Technique with Amie 10 am- The Hutch Hero WOD 11:15 am- Yoga with Brantlee Endurance: The Hutch Hero WOD Please join us today to honor our friend and CFWC member Dave Hutcheson.  He was been an integral part of our community for 4 years and an especially huge part of our...
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Bench Press: 3 x Max Reps, (Men: BW /Women: 3/4BW   Then…   “Fight Gone Badish” – Complete max reps at each 1 minute station. There is no rest between stations. Everyone will rest on the last minute of each round. 3 Rounds: Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 10m Shuttle Run Renegade Rows, 50’s/35’s – LEARN MORE...
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WWPF   0:00 – 6:00 6 Min AMRAP 50 Hang Squat Cleans, 95/63 *Max Synchronized Burpee Pull-ups in remaining time   8:00 – 14:00 6 Min AMRAP 40  Hang Squat Cleans, 135/83 *Max DU in remaining time (switch every 25)   16:00 – 22:00 6 Min AMRAP 30 Hang Squat Cleans, 165/103 *Max Cal Bike...
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