
WWPF   16 Min AMRAP RELAY 10/8 Cal Bike 8 Front Squats, 155/103 1 Rope Climbs *partner A works while partner B Rest   3 min Break   16 min AMRAP 200m Med Ball Run RELAY, 20/14 100m Farmers Carry RELAY, 70’s/53’s 50m Firemans Carry RELAY  (modify w/ sandbag)   Our Youth Fitness Class will...
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Push Press   3-3-3   Then   5 Rounds   10 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlift (pair 50/35) 10 Dumbbell Push press (pair 50/35) 10 Dumbbell step ups (single 50/35)   Post Loads and Times to Zen and Comments:  
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Deadliftt: 5  X  5  @ 75% (this is a 5% increase from week 1. Do not go heavier than the prescribed %)   Then…   For Time:    21 Box Jumps, 24/20 30 Toes 2 bar 9 Power Clean & Jerk,  135/93   21 Box Jumps 30 Russian Twists, 20/14 9 Power Clean & Jerk,...
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Week 7 Tempo Back Squat: 3 Sets of 2,3,4 reps 2 reps, strip some weight, 3 reps, strip some weight, 4 reps = 9 reps per set; rest 2 mins between sets 2 Seconds down No Pause Fast on the way up Then….. AMRAP 10 Minutes 30 Double Unders 20 Kb Swings 53/35 10 Burpee Over...
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2 Classes 8am & 10am “Murph” Run 1 mile 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Squats Run 1 mile For time. Complete with a weight vest if you have one.  We offer our sweat and suffering for a brief moment to honor not just this one soldier but all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice...
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9 am- Olympic Lift Technique with TJ 10 am- Endurance with Brian No Yoga Today Endurance AMRAP 35 Minutes 50 Double Unders 40 Situps 30 Db or KB Snatch 20 Burpee Box Jumps 10 Cal Bike or Row 5 Strict Pullups 1000m Run
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Tabata (20sec of work by 10sec of rest x 8 Rounds. Stay at the same station for all 8 rounds. NO REST, and go right into the next station. Goal is to get 8-10 reps for every 20sec of work.) *Only Need 1 DB 50/35 (do 4 rounds on each side and then switch) 1.)...
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WWPF – For Time   1 Round 42 SDHP, 95/63 (mix anyway) 42 Alt Box Jumps, 24/20 42 Alt Toes 2 Bar,   200m Med Ball Run Relay x 3   1 Round 30 SDHP, 95/63 (mix anyway) 30 Alt Box Jumps, 24/20 30 Toes 2 Bar, (Switch Every 5 / Partner Hangs)    300m Med Ball...
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Heavy Thrusters   3-3-2-2-1-1-1   Then   5 Rounds of:   15 Thrusters 75/53 21 Double Unders   Post Loads and Times to ZEN and Comments:  
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Bench Press: 3 x 10 reps (AHAP) *Rest 2-3 minutes   Then…   Death By… Burpee Pull-up *Pull-up bar should be above max reach     Traveling shouldn’t impede your ability to stay fit.  Be creative with what is available or ask one of our coaches for some “On The Road WODS”. 
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