
The Freaking Forty For time: 40 Box jump, 24 inch box 40 Jumping pull-ups 40 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood 40 Walking Lunge, 40 Knees to elbows 40 Push press,  45/35 40 Good Mornings  45/35 40 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 40 Burpees 40 Double unders Post time to comments.
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Partner Friday Dueling Isabel (60 Snatches, alternating reps), 135/95 Partner Karen (150 Wall Balls), 20/14 (10ft) Dueling Grace (60 Clean & Jerks, Alternating reps), 135/95 Above: Next weeks partner WOD
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Thrusters 1-1-1-1-1 Then: As many reps as possible in 12 minutes of: Thrusters (135/95) & 5 Burpees at the top of each minute Post total number of Thrusters completed in the 12 Minutes. Strength Class Bench Press 5×3 Power Clean 5×3 Post loads to comments:   CrossFit West Chester has exceeded its goal of $2,000...
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EMOM For 7 Minutes: power clean + HSC + push jerk, heavy Then… 21-15-9 Box Jump, 24/20 Burpee bar touches KB Swing, 53/35 Our Halloween party will be Friday October 26th from 6pm-10pm. Come dressed in your best costume and bring your best Chili for our 2nd annual Chili Cook-off.
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Front Squat 5×5 3 Second pause on reps 1 and 5 Then….. 5 Rounds 7 Front Squats 135/95 15 Ring Push Ups 15 Toes to Bar Coach Cam post FGB.  He did it right.
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