
15 Min: Find 1RM of Left and Right Arm Turkish Get up Then: 10-9-8-7-6…….1 reps of: Turkish getup (35/26) L Sit Pullups Box Jumps Post Loads and Time to Comments:
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Power Snatch: 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Then… 18 min AMRAP (Partner Relay): 5 Power Snatches, 115/75 10 Toes To bar 15 Wall Ball Shots, 20lb/14 lb Top 3 RX’d Ladies from last years Barbells For Boobs. Coming this October 26th! Check out the News & Events page for more information      
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Power Clean 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Then: 12-9-6-3-2-1 Power Clean (185/115) Ring Dips Chest to Bar Pullups   7:30 Strength Class Post Loads and Times to comments:
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7 Min EMOM: 2 Snatches + 1 OHS, heavy * These are full “touch N go” snatches. If you have not yet mastered dropping under the bar, finish with an OHS each rep. Then… 5 Rounds (20 min cap) 200m run 15 Burpees 10 OHS, 135/95 Happy Birthday Coach Foose!  
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Front Squat 5-5-3-3 Then…. AMRAP 7 Minutes 5 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 7 Front Squats 5 Shoulder to Overhead Then….. EMOM 7 Minutes 100m Sprint Try to beat Usain
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8am 10am 12 noon We will close at 1pm today Nutts 10 HSPU 15 Deadlifts 250/185 25 Box Jumps 30/24 50 Pullups 100 Wall Balls 20/14 200 Double Unders 400m Run 45/25lbs Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member...
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10 am- Open Gym 11am- Endurance For 10 Minutes Run 100m Jog 100m Then…… AMRAP 20 Minutes 300m Run 100m Walking Lunges 20 Ring Pushups Enjoy your holiday weekend!! We will be open on Labor Day with WODS at 8am, 10am and 12 noon.  We will close at 1pm  
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8am- Beginners 9am- Regular Class 10 am- Olympic Lifting with Ryan Decked by Cards Coach will draw cards from a standard 52 card deck plus 2 jokers. Each card you draw tells you what exercise to do and how many reps you must complete. Card values = reps (face cards = 10). Suits tell which...
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7 Min EMOM: Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat (3 sec pause in the bottom), Heavy Then…W/Partner: 15 minute Partner Ladder: 1 Rope Climb 3 Power Clean, 135/95 1 Rope Climb 6 Power Cleans 1 Rope Climb 9 Power Cleans Ect….. *Both partners must complete the rep scheme before moving on. Happy...
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Push Press 5-5-5 10,9,8,7,6,…..1 reps Kettle Bell Swing (2pood/1.5 pood) Ring Dips Box Jumps 7:30 Strength Class Post Loads and TIme to Comments Get Your Press Up    
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