Bring Sally Up: the coach will cue the song and you will squat everytime the song says down. Simple 🙂 SEE VIDEO of WOD DEMO HERE RX 135/95 scale weight, using just a bar can be challenging Then: 15min AMRAP 10 Supine Ring Rows (feet up on a box level with height of rings)...Read More
9am- Yoga 10am- Olympic Lifting with Coach Ryan 11am- Endurance WOD Hard Cindy AMRAP 25 Minutes 5 Strict Weighted Pullups 35/17.5 10 Ring Pushups 15 Weighted Squats 45/25 Every 5 Minutes 50 Double Unders Alex The Alien goin for it with the same weight as my grandmaRead More
Take 12 minutes to establish a Heavy Thruster Then.. “Jackie” 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 30 Pullups (scale w/band or jumping pullups) *Rx = 45lb *Intermediate: 33lb *Beginner = 15lb Which one does not look like the other? Read More
Whacky Wiser Partner Friday!!! The Wiser/Cherie birthday WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: Push Press (Wiser’s 95#/Cherie’s 65#) Pullups Sumo Dead lift High pull (Wiser’s 95#/Cherie’s 65#) Pushups Hang Squat Clean (Wiser’s 95#/Cherie’s 65#) Situps Each person must complete all rounds. Only one person goes at a time. The other person starts once all reps in the...Read More
5 x 250M Row Then: 10 min Find 1 RM Jerk Then: 7 min Amrap 10 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95# 10 Box Jumps 36/30 Post stuff to comments: Register HERE now if you have not done so already. Please speak to one of your coaches if you have any questions Read More
Congrats to Maria on her Master’s Womens 6th place. Bob & Maria Fudala at Saturday’s 2014 Winter Warmer CF Comp. ALSO PLEASE WATCH THE WEBSITE AND FBOOK PAGE FOR CLASS CANCELLATIONS OR DELAYS Strength/Skill 5 rounds 5 Lower from inverted on rings Two Videos HERE and HERE 5 Skin the cats Then 50 reps Burpee/Push-up/Jumping-Jack/Sit-up/Handstand ...Read More
Power Snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Then: 2009 Crossfit Games Regional Event For time: Athletes must lift a barbell ground-to-overhead, any way they wish, to accumulate 7000/ 5000 lbs. Athletes can choose from the following weight/rep combinations: Men 155 lbs. x 46 reps 135 lbs. x 52 reps 95 lbs. x 74 reps 75 lbs. x 94 reps...Read More
8 Min Partner EMOM: 2 Rope Climbs (scale by pulling yourself up & lowering yourself to the ground 4 times) M.E. Pushups *While 1 partner is doing 2 rope climbs, the other partner is doing M.E. Pushups. They will switch movements every minute. Then… Partner Death By: 15 Min Cap (start back at 1/1 rep...Read More