
9am: Oly 10am: Endurance  11:15: yoga   12 min AMRAP Ladder (2-4-6-8-10…) Cal Row Burpee over rower   12 min EMOM (complete 1 round every min on the min)  3 strict pull-ups 6 ring push-ups 9 jumping target squats   12 min AMRAP 12 Alt Russian KB Swings, 53/35 12 Push Press, 53/35 (6 each...
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Front Squat: 3-3-3   then…   21-15-9 Hang power clean , 135/93 Front Squat , 135/93 S2OH, 135/93 Refer a friend. If they sign up, you get free stuff    
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Snatch: 1-1-1   Then…   WWPF 42 Deadlifts, 225/153 (mix anyway) 30 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots, 24/20 12 Alt Rope Climbs   30 Deadlifts 30 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 8 Alt Rope Climbs   18 Deadlifts 30 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 4 Alt Rope Climbs   Happy 30th Birthday to Megan and Happy 24th birthday...
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Press 3×5 Increase Weight by 2% from last week.   RDL 3×8 Increase Weight by 2% from last week.   Then:   5 Rounds for time of:   5 Ring Muscle Ups 10 Over Head Squat 95/63 10 Toes Through Rings   Post Loads and Times to ZEN and Comments:  
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5 Rounds 500m Row or 400m Run 20 DB Thrusters 20 Ring Rows Cash Out: 10 Minute Plank Hold Julie hitting some pullups
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3 Rounds 400m Ski 21 KB Swings,  53/35 12 Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20   Then…   2 Rounds 15 Right arm DB Row (heavy DB) 15 Left arm DB rows 30 Alt Step-ups, 53/35 (box ht above knee)   Then..   1 Round: Flight Simulator 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5  
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AMRAP 25 Minutes 50 Air Squat 25 DB Push Press Rt Arm 50 Jumping Lunges 25 DB Push Press L Arm 50 Situps 25 Ring Pullups or Ring Rows *Every 3 Minutes 10 Burpees
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Clean 1-1-1 Then….. AMRAP 16 Minutes 50 Pushups 20 Hang Power Cleans 135/93 25 Ring Dips 20 Front Squats 135/93 Sweaty Pete cleaning an easy 345lbs
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800m Run or 1000m Row 10 Rounds 10 Pushups 15 Sit Ups 20 Air Squats 800m Run or 1000m Row 62 year old Vicki working hard  
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Back Squat 2RM then 2×2@100% Then… 21-15-9Row (cals)Chest to bar pull-up Congrats to Mike for his Wodapalooza weekend!
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