WWPF 500m Row Relay (Partner Holds both Kb’s in deadlift) 400m SA Synch Farmers Carry, 70/53 300 DU (Mix anyway) 200m SA OH Carry Relay, 70/53 (each do 100m) 100 DB Push Press (Mix Anyway), 50’s/35’s 200m SA OH Carry Relay, 70/53 300 DU (Mix Anyway) 400m SA Synch Farmers Carry 500m Row Relay (partner...
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EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Clean + 2 Front Squat AMRAP 20 Mintues 5 Cleans 185/133 10 Front Squats 15 Chest to Bar Pullups 400m Run
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Barbell Glute Bridge: 3 x 8 @ 85-90% of last weeks 8rep (1-2 sec pause) Then… For Time 21 Deadlifts, 225/153 30 HR Push-ups 15 Deadlifts 20 HSPU 9 Deadlifts 10 Wall Climbs
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EMOM 10 Minutes 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Low Hang Snatch Then…. AMRAP 16 Minutes 1 Snatch 165/113 5 High Box Jumps (you can stack boxes for higher heights) 10/8 Cal Bike 200m Run
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Overhead Squat: 3 x 5 Then… For Time (Happy 45th Birthday Jen!) 45 OHS, 95/63 200m Run 45 Toes 2 Rings 300m Run 45 Burpees over bar 400m Run
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Olympic Lift Class: The Total: 20 Minutes to Heavy Snatch 20 Minutes to Heavy Clean and Jerk Endurance WOD: AMRAP 12 Minutes 100m Sprint/100m Jog AMRAP 12 Minutes 5 Rope Climbs 15′ 50 Wall Balls AMRAP 12 Minutes 10 Cal Bike 15 Cal Ski 30 Plate Ground to OH
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Choose a Hero: Larry 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: Front squats 115/73Bar-facing burpees*100-m sandbag carry after each round U.S. Marine Corps Corporal Larry D. Harris, Jr., 25, was killed in a fire fight on July 1, 2010, while serving as Fire Team Leader, 3d Squad, 81 Millimeter Mortar Platoon, Weapons Company, Third Battalion, First Marines,...
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WWPF – Running Clock 0:00 – 10:00 Build to a 5 Rep Hang Snatch 12:00 – 30:00 (18 Min AMRAP) 30 Synchronized KB Snatches, 53/35 200m Run Relay (each runs 200m) 30 KB Step-overs, 53’s / 35’s (mix reps anyway) / 20″ box 200m Run Relay 30:00 – 36:00 (6 Min AMRAP) Max Muscle-ups OR...
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As Much Distance as Possible in 10 Minutes Farmer Carry Sled Pull Combination (2kb) Sled weight 90#/45# 10 Minute AB Circuit 15 GHD Sit Ups 15 Leg Raises 15 Turkish Sit Ups AMRAP 10 Minutes 5 Strict C2B Pullups 10 Ring Pushups 15 Sand Bag Squats 100/75
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Barbell Glute Bridge Work up to a heavy 8 Rep (1-2 sec pause at top) Then… 15 MIN AMRAP 30 DU 21 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/93 60 DU 15 Shoulder 2 OH 90 DU 9 Shoulder 2 OH 120 DU 3 Shoulder 2 OH Max DU
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