a. Bent Over Row: 3 x 6 b. Strict Press: 3 x 6 AMRAP 18 Minutes 40 Foot Sled Push-Heavy (sled pushes are inside) 20 Burpees 10 Cal Bike 5 Muscle Ups, Pullovers or Strict Pullups
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EMOM 10 MIN 1 Clean Pull + 1 Clean + 1 Jerk Then… For Time 21-15-9 Clean, 135/93 C2B Pullup Jerk, 135/93 HSPU
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Pause Front Squat: 3 x 5 w/2sec pause @ 75% then… 14 Min AMRAP Ladder: 4-8-12-16-20….. Alt Kb Swings, 70/53 Alt Pistols (single leg squats) *EOMOM 1 legless rope climb
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Olympic Lifting -Snatch w/pause 2″ off floor + pause in catch: 4 x 1 @ 75%+ -10 MIN EMOM 2 cleans + 1 Jerk (try to increase weight each round) AMRAP 35 MIN 50 Cal Bike 50 Plate Lunges 40 Cal Row 40 Plate Ground 2 OH 30 Cal Ski 30 Plate Burpees (jump on...
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Bench Press: Establish a 1RM Then…. 18 Min AMRAP 10 DB hang snatches, heavy 10 Wall Ball Shots 10 Toes 2 Bar
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WWPF 5 Rounds 30 Drag Rope DU (Mix Anyway) 20 Sandbag Squats, 100/75 25′ Shuttle Run Relay x 10 3 Rounds 50 Drag Rope DU (Mix Anyway) 40 Sandbag Lunges, 100/75 25′ Shuttle Run Relay x 10 (partner holds sandbag) 1 Round 150 Drag Rope DU (Mix Anyway) 60 Sandbag Ground to OS, 100/75 25′...
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Happy Birthday to Super Doug!! Dougie Man (to be done like Holleyman) 30 Rounds 3 High Box Jumps 30/24 2 Cleans 185/133 (Masters 50+ RX 155/103) 1 Muscle Up
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a. Bent Over Row 3×8 b. Strict Press 3×8 Then….. 5 Rounds 4 Minute AMRAP, 1 Minute Rest 400m Run or Ski 20 Wall Balls Max Reps Handstand Pushups with remaining time *Score is total reps of HSPU
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15 min to a heavy complex 1 snatch grip deadlift + 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch For Time: Deadlift, 225/153 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpee Box Jump, 24/20 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
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Front Squat: Test 1RM Then…. FrAnMRAP -with a 12 Minute Clock 21-15-9 Thruster 95/63 Pullup With Remaining Time: AMRAP Cindy 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats
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